My name is Anthony Warren.

I help busy people in business to build amazing relationships and successful businesses. My first job as a teenager was a petrol pump attendant in a country town. Fast forward a few years. I progressed to successfully being an international executive and trouble-shooter for companies like Price Waterhouse (Paris), The Morgan Crucible Company PLC (London), Waste Management International (London, Europe, & Worldwide), and W.R.Grace (Europe).
The call of entrepreneurship led me to found and build up a successful business in coaching.
All seemed to be going well. Then suddenly fate intervened. Fate in the form of a stroke. The blood supply to my brain was temporarily cut off. Suddenly I couldn’t walk, talk, earn a living, or do anything except lie in a hospital bed staring up at the ceiling for few weeks. I had to face the possibility that I might never be able to do things as simple as play football with my children, or lovingly hold my wife. I might never be able to function again in business, or even participate in family gatherings.
One night I lay in my hospital bed in the dark. I had the bleak thought that my business had virtually ended overnight. Yet I was still young with decades to go before retirement, and I wouldn’t even be able to afford to retire.
I then reflected on my experience of working with successful business owners and executives. I’d found that often the coaching session would be discussing the problems of the day, agreeing what needed to be done, then the business owner would say something like, “OK that few minutes’ discussion has sorted out what to do with the business, but for the remaining time, I need your input on how to improve my relationship with business partner/my wife/husband/in-laws.”
I reflected that this conversation happened with clients from all over, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe. I noticed how people talked about family as important but then didn’t know what to do about making it important.
I saw that many people were too busy working to begin to have view of how their marriage was working nor how it should work. I also found that many people felt their marriage wasn’t working but didn’t know how to change it. Sometimes they stopped working at it and got divorced. They just wanted the pain of disconnection to stop and couldn’t see how else they could stop the pain.
It troubled me that so many people didn’t know how to have a better relationship. I studied what I knew about communication, and then studied how to be an expert on male/female communication in different environments like work and home. Then I looked at what people were doing to make their marriages work better.
I was enthralled at what the elite in business did differently in their relationships compared to Mr & Mrs Average. I saw and heard that “marriage counselling” was often difficult to find, often overpriced and sadly ineffective. There and then I knew everybody needed to have another option – effective top notch marriage coaching – where people could learn and apply concepts and ideas that celebrated being and sharing ‘the best of the best’ in all areas. I was spurred onward by my birth family’s achievements of successful business and amazing relationships.
I already knew we as humans don’t rise to the level of our dreams, instead we rise to the level of our systems. I found myself set on the path of creating better marriages through practical “in-the- trenches” insights, practices, advice, and coaching.
My wife and I have an amazing, joyful, highly connected union of souls. We have worked through study, training, experience, life’s curved balls and coaching others, to know how to support others to achieve the highest heights. We both want a forever relationship and one that gives us the freedom to live how we please without worrying about money or others’ opinions.
I already knew we as humans don’t rise to the level of our dreams, instead we rise to the level of our systems. I found myself set on the path of creating better marriages through practical “in-the- trenches” insights, practices, advice, and coaching.
I invite you to claim the same freedom for yourself and your loved ones.
Start with booking a place on the webinar about how to have difficult conversations with those you love. Then explore other content on this site about business success and creating amazing relationships. I look forward to seeing you achieve the joy, freedom, business success and connection that you want.
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