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Personal Development Guide 2023

We found our most successful clients “finished the year before starting it” using our technology and structure so we formalised the process and made it into this “make the best of the year” document.

The suggested order of completion is to use page 5, 6 to complete a mind map and notes to capture thoughts and inklings to start. Use the mind map page to write whatever you dream or desire. The open format is to allow you to plan without limits and unhindered. Use pages 3, 4 to write a letter describing where you are the end of 2022, write as if you have accomplished your goals and are enjoying them. Example “I’m enjoying my new fitness and enjoy my new clothes” and do for each area.

Then use pages 7 through 9 to get really accurate about where you are starting from in 2022. Then use page 10 to describe what you want to have achieved in 2023. When you use the Wheel of Life diagrams, be realistic, not automatically assuming 10/10. Ideally goals should have a little stretch included. Add any additional areas not covered in the formats. Use the 2023 Annual Plan (after p.16) to enter large items like holidays, major work projects (e.g known trips, major deadlines) or family projects and events (e.g. reunions, anniversaries) so the flow is evident.

Then complete the remaining pages to give breakdown of the 2023 goals by each Quarter (90 Day Plans) and then by each month, then by week. This should allow bottlenecks to be identified and planned for.

Feel free to share plans with your coach at any stage for input and clarification.

When you are happy with this document, keep it somewhere safe that you an access easily and regularly. Remember to frequently imagine the life you want as already in the present so your mind is powerfully focused on progress!

We wish you a successful and great year!

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European Product VP, FMCG

“Working with Anthony has been a very productive experience due to his bias towards action, great listening skills and insights. He has a big network of contacts and is happy to act as a hub to connect people and find opportunities for all involved.”

European Product VP, FMCG 2

“Working with Anthony has been a very productive experience due to his bias towards action, great listening skills and insights. He has a big network of contacts and is happy to act as a hub to connect people and find opportunities for all involved.”

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